title: "Introduction"
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### Why Model Based Bioequivalence?
Traditional bioequivalence (BE) study design and statistical methods are well established
(1,2) and are based on non compartmental analysis (NCA). There are,
however, a number of clinical scenarios where a traditional BE study is
impractical (3,4). Examples include:
- Very long half life drugs.
- Clinical scenarios were rich sampling is not feasible, for example,
pediatrics or critically ill patients.
- Clinical scenarios were a multi-period cross over study is not
feasible, e.g., cytotoxic drugs that cannot be given to healthy
There is value in developing method to meet the BE regulatory requirements
for such drugs. Model Based Bio Equivalence (MBBE) is one method to
achieve this.
### Algorithm
The key parameter for implementing MBBE is the
power of simulated studies. The power is key, rather than the outcome of
any single simulated study, as the outcome of any single study will
depend on the random seed chosen. A more general and robust answer
regarding the likelihood BE can be obtained by simulating many studies,
and examining the distribution of outcomes, and therefore, the predicted distribution
of outcomes of actual studies, were such studies to be performed. The use of nonlinear mixed
effect models and Monte Carlo simulation is well established for
describing such distributions. Typically the data used for development of a
population PK model do not come from a BE study. They may come from other,
e.g., parallel design studies and/or sparse sampling. If data from a well designed BE study were available, Virtual BE studies would not be needed.
#### Model uncertainty and model averaging
"All models are wrong, some models are useful" [5]. We interpret this
well known aphorism to mean that if a single model (structure and parameters) is used to describe the data,
the prediction will be wrong (or at least not exactly correct). But, if "some"
models (e.g., multiple models averaged together) are used, it may be useful, or perhaps at least less
wrong. Aoki[8] showed that for simulated studies, model averaging in most cases increases the accuracy of predictions. In Monte Carlo simulation we typically include parameter
uncertainty for a single model. With model averaging, we extend model
uncertainty from a single model with uncertain parameters to uncertainty
about the model structure as well. Rather than a single (incorrect) model, a number
of "adequate" models are examined. Adequate models are models that meet
some set of minimal requirements in describing the data. The method described by Aoki [8]
is used for model averaging. A set of bootstrap samples from the original data set are generated.
NONMEM is then used to estimated parameters for each adequate-model/bootstrap-data
set combination is performed. For each sample, the model with the best
(lowest) Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC [9]) is selected. The Monte
Carlo simulation is then done with the model structure and parameter
estimates selected for each bootstrap data set, thus capturing
uncertainty in both the model structure and parameters.
The simulations can be performed using a data set different from the source data, as,
typically, the reason for doing MBBE is that there are no formal BE
studies available. In this way, non-BE study data can be used for model
definition and then a formal BE study (e.g., 4 period, single dose cross
over study) can be simulated. The NCA parameters for each (simulated)
subject in each study are then calculated using and algorithm derived.
The workflow is:
1. Develop model(s) of the data. Model development and criteria for an
"adequate" model are not discussed, but typically would include
separate estimation by formulation for all absorption parameters
(e.g, F, Ka, Lag time, zero order infusion duration, transit
compartment rate constants etc.). Different structural models for the absorption
of refernce vs test formulation may also be considered. An adequate model may also include
between occasion variability on Volume and elimination terms, if
multiple periods are available in the observed data.
2. For each bootstrap sample, select the "best" model. In the current
implementation, the best model is selected based on Bayesian
information criteria (BIC). That is, parameters for each adequate
model are estimated for each bootstrap sample. For each bootstrap
sample, the model and associated parameter estimates with the best
(lowest) BIC is selected. In this way, the uncertainty of both the
model structure and the model parameters is described.
3. From the selected models, perform Monte Carlo simulation, with a
reasonable study design (e.g., 4 period, cross over, rich sampling,
50 subjects).
4. Determine power of the analysis by calculating two one side t test
statistics [6] on each simulated study.
Two options exist for how to combine those different models/parameter
estimate. First, the data from each of the simulations can be used as
simulated, with a single model per simulated study (the
"model_averaging_by": "study" option). This represents the possibility
that any given model may be "correct" for all subjects, we're just not
certain which one it is. Alternatively, the study data can be recombined
such that each study has a population of individuals based on the
representation of overall models. (the "model_averaging_by": "subject"
option). For this option, any given study will be comprised of the same
set of subjects (demographics, sample time etc.), but have different structure
models. The interpretation here is that there is a distribution of
models within the population (similar to the distribution of
parameters). So, for the population we have a set prior probabilities for the
structural model, but uncertainty about which model any given subject follows.
This is analogous to a prior distribution (THETA and OMEGA in NONMEM)
for parameters, but uncertainty about the "true value" parameters.
An overall diagram (from Aoki [8]) for model averaging is shown below:
### Identifiability:
Nyberg et. al [10] described using a SADDLE_RESET as a check for local
non-identifiability. MBBE included an option
"use_check_identifiable": true,
to instruct the algorithm to determine whether any model resulting from
the bootstrap is identifiable, based on the largest absolute fractional
difference between pre and post saddle reset parameters of delta_parms.
delta_parms can be set in the json argument file e.g:
"delta_parms": 0.2,
#### Power:
Traditional bioequivalence is assessed in a single study population
(N=1, drawn from a universe of possible study populations).
Thus there is some degree of "luck" associated with whether or not the
formulae are deemed bioequivalent. MBBE permits a more robust approach,
not dependent on a single draw from a distribution, that is, the power
of the given study design to find that the formulae are bioequivalent.
The success of each study is then calculated based on the method
described by
(11) in the replicateBE package in R. The resulting power then is simply
the fraction of simulated studies that successfully demonstrate
bioequivalence for each NCA endpoint.
#### Implementation:
MBBE is an R package available on CRAN. Details of implementation are provide in the Step-by-Step Vignette. Several files are required, include observed and simulation data sets, control file and an options file. Sample files with explanation is given below.
### Input json File
{ "run_dir": "c:/fda/mbbe",
"model_source": [
"num_parallel": 32,
"crash_value": 999999,
"nmfe_path": "c:/nm74g64/util/nmfe74.bat",
"delta_parms": 0.2,
"use_check_identifiable": true,
"NCA_end_time": 72,
"rndseed": 1,
"simulation_data_path": "U:/mbbe/inst/examples/data_sim.csv",
"ngroups": 4, "samp_size": 100,
"reference_groups": [ 1, 2 ],
"test_groups": [3, 4 ],
"plan": "multisession",
"alpha_error": 0.05,
"NTID": false,
"model_averaging_by": "study",
"user_R\_code": true,
"R_code_path": "u:/mbbe/R/RPenaltyCode.r" }
Descriptions of these options are below:
- run_dir - run directory where bootstrap samples will be run
- model_source - a json formatted list of NONMEM control files to be
used for model averaging
- num_parallel - number of parallel NONMEM models to run for bootstrap
and Monte Carlo Simulation
- crash_value - Value assigned for model "goodness" (BIC plus any other penalty) if the model fails
to generate output. Should be larger than any "goodness" value for a
model that completes
- nmfe_path - path to nmfe??.bat file
- delta_parms - fractional difference in any parameter before and
after a SADDLE_RESET that will be deemed not identifiable
- use_check_identifiable - logical (true\|false) for whether to test
for identifability
- NCA_end_time - end time for NCA parameter calculation. Note that all
NCA intervals will start at 0 (likely requiring a reset event in the
simulation data set for each period)
- rndseed - random seed for Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Simulation
- simulation_data_path - path to data file to be used for simulation
- ngroups - number of groups in simulation data set
- samp_size - sample size to be used for Bootstrap and Monte Carlo
- reference_groups - GROUP value indicating reference formulation in
the simulation data set
- test_groups - GROUP value indicating test formulation in the
simulation data set. Note that the total number of reference_groups
and test_groups must equal ngroups
- plan - parallel plan to be used for bootstrap and Monte Carlo
Simulations. Options are
- sequential
- multisession
- multicore
- alpha_error" - type 1 error for the two one sides tests, default = 0.05
- NTID - Is this a Narrow Therapeutic Index Drug? (12)
- model_averaging_by - should model averaging be by study or by
subject (experimental)
- user_R\_code - will R code be used to calculate a penalty to be
added to the Bayesian Information Criteria?
- R_code_path - if user_R\_code, path to the R source file
### The Analysis data set.
The bootstrap analysis data set can have any form required for the
NONMEM model. However, several data items are required. These are:
- SEQ (Sequence)
- TRT (treatment)
The analysis data set need not have multiple periods or sequences (in
which case all values can be 0, or missing). However the \$INPUT record
is copied from the analysis control file into the simulation control
file, and the simulation control file MUST include GROUP, PERIOD, SEQ and
TRT data items for statistical testing.
### The Simulation data set
Typically, the simulation data set will be comprised of:
- A least two periods, cross over, single dose study, for a randomized
sequence of test and reference. A four period study, with random
sequence may be preferred.
- Rich sampling out to at least 3 half-lives in the terminal phase for
nearly all subjects.
- The data set must include:
- PERIOD - sequential number of periods, must be at least 2
- GROUP - group assigned, e.g., Groups 1 and 2 are reference,
Groups 3 and 4 are test
- TRT (treatment) - usually 2, test and reference
- SEQ (sequence) sequence of treatment, usually at least 2 sequence,
e.g., AB or BA.
As these will be tested in the two one side T tests. These data
items need not be used in the bootstrap analysis control files.
- The bootstrap analysis NONMEM control file will be the template for
the simulation control file. Therefore, the \$INPUT must be the same
between the bootstrap analysis data set and the Monte Carlo
simulation data set. Basically, the "best" model control file for
each bootstrap sample is edited by replacing any \$TABLE records
with those needed for the two one side T test, the \$EST replaced
with \$SIM. The final parameters copied from the selected model .xml
output file into the simulation control file.
1. Bioavailability-and-Bioequivalence-Studies-Submitted-in-NDAs-or-INDs-----General-Considerations
2. Gabrielsson, J. and Weiner, D. (2001). Pharmacokinetic and
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3. Hu, C., Moore, K. H., Kim, Y. H., and Sale, M. E. (2004).
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4. Seng Yue C, Ozdin D, Selber-Hnatiw S, Ducharme MP. Opportunities and
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5. Box, George E. P. (1976), ["Science and
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6. Schuirmann, D.J. A comparison of the Two One-Sided Tests Procedure
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7. Lunn, D.J. Automated covariate selection and Bayesian model
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8. Aoki, Y., Röshammar, D., Hamrén, B. *et al.* Model selection and
averaging of nonlinear mixed-effect models for robust phase III dose
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9. Neath, A.A. and Cavanaugh, J.E. (2012), The Bayesian information
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10. Nyberg HM, Hooker AC, Bauer RJ, Aoki Y. SADDLE_RESET: more robust
parameter estimation with a check for local practical
12. [https://www.fda.gov/media/162779/download#:\~:text=Narrow%20therapeutic%20index%20(NTI)%20drugs%20are%20drugs%20where%20small%20differences,or%20significant%20disability%20or%20incapacity.](https://www.fda.gov/media/162779/download#:~:text=Narrow%20therapeutic%20index%20(NTI)%20drugs%20are%20drugs%20where%20small%20differences,or%20significant%20disability%20or%20incapacity.)